let’s focus

One of the challenges I had with my last attempt at blogging was an all-over-the-place lack of focus. So I knew that if I was going to try again I would need to know what I would and would not be writing about. I had actually managed to figure some of this out before #1 blog went down but was never able to implement it.

As you might have noticed I have very few category titles and that the ones I do have are eerily similar to my blog name…ok, they are my blog name but here my friends is where we find the focus.

NATURAL:  Twelve years ago we (Mr. and I) embarked, honestly unknowingly, onto a natural health journey.  We are still on it and still learning and making changes. So this category will cover issues that go along with natural living, natural health and parenting. Topics might include:

  • whole foods
  • immunity
  • which natural products we use and why
  • Dr. Mom tips
  • how to start living more naturally
  • reading labels
  • ingredients to avoid
  • supplements
  • environmental issues
  • and more crunchy stuff like that.

MOM: Well, I think it’s pretty self explanatory what this category will cover. Mom stuff.  Possible topics: kids (duh), me time, no time, how to find time, where did the time go, when do they leave…….ooops!….ok, some of those, but this category is not only about no-time mom life. It’s about:

  • living with a partner
  • being a homeschooling mom
  • passions
  • issues that affect women
  • personal faith
  • friendships
  • family
  • parenting
  • the importance of bubble baths aka “me time”
  • and mommy stuff like that.

LOVES: If I love it,  if it works for me, I want to share it. All things I love will fit into this category from books, recipes, websites, experiences, companies, gadgets, products and how could I forget my all time faves – quotes….so you name it, if I have fallen in love with it and I think you will too – I will LOVES it.

PRADA: When #1 blog was up and I would tell people the name, usually the first thing they would say is “oh, cool name – do you own Prada?” The answer: no. I do not own anything PRADA. When I was thinking of the name for the blog, Natural Mom was easy to come up with but there was this other part of me that I wanted to honor and also acknowledge. Prada mom is the wine drinking, fabulous shoes loving, passionate about beauty and things that sparkle, loves a good sale and the have-to-reschedule-your-life to see the best shows on tv girl. Topics that could be covered here are: fashion, taking off the mom hat, look good-feel good ideas, big girl fun,  and other things of beauty that inspire me.

And you might have noticed my category  P.U.S.H.life Photography which is my photography blog. My photography is a work in progress passion. Because it’s a big and important part of my life I’m adding it to this space as well.

My intention is to share thoughts, ideas, beliefs, ask questions, offer answers and get some, add in some life funnies, and do it in an uplifting and positive way with a dash of inspiration. It is my hope that this will be a place of learning, laughter, thoughtfulness, kindness, understanding and most of all joyful grace.

This is my journey. I hope it can inspire yours.

With joyful grace,
Shanta xo

back at the beginning

Once upon a time there was a girl who had big dreams, a lot of kids (for her) and a computer. She felt like she had something to share. As a forerunner for the lead in “Clueless in blogging” – she started one. Uh oh. After 3 disastrous years, feeling like she had a big “L” tattooed on her forehead, she let it vanish into the big ol’ internet universe.

2 years later…

The girl feels that she still wants to share, feels she is still meant for her big dreams and has read a blog or two….or three. She decides to try again. Gulp. The end.

Ok, pretty obvious that the girl is me and the blog is this one and that was the very short sum up of what went down. I started a blog, it was crap, I let it go. I didn’t figure I would write in that way again but here and there over the past 2 years I have had twinges and inner pokes to share. For the most part they were ignored.

The last time I got one of these inclinations I decided to actually ponder it a bit longer. What if I changed the things I knew were not working.  Contemplating how I have changed and how I am different now, two years later, would that make a difference? How do I share the multitude of things I am passionate about in a focused, fun and positive way? And would I be courageous enough to share in a way that is ORIGINAL, EXPANSIVE, GLOWING, REAL and  FAITHFUL?(more on those words to come)

When I started to be able to answer some of these questions, I actually started to consider the idea of starting over. Instead of seeing my first attempt as a big neon ” F” flashing in my face, seeing it instead as a time of  learning and, hopefully this time around – a  time of growth and true sharing. (I know cliche…but that’s the truth of it).

I’ll admit that starting over, right from the very beginning brings up a lot of feelings of failure  for me. It would have been easier for me to start something new, something that had a new name and that needed new words. But, that wouldn’t push me where I need to go.  And the vision I hold today is not that different than I had before, it’s just refined, and hopefully more me. So, while it’s outside of my comfort zone, it’s where I need to stay.  In the next few posts I will share my vision and focus so you’ll know if you want to stick around and then reasons why this blog might be for you (or not).

I’m excited as words and ideas brew, exploring what we can find, back at the beginning.

With Joyful Grace,
Shanta xo